I'd been ignoring my blog for a while and just doing "what's the magician up to" posts on my facebook page ... but hey sometimes it's nice to write something a little longer, so I thought I'd go back to this blog!
I have been doing a lot of Blue and Gold shows lately - I enjoy doing shows for the scouts. My son is four and I am a little hopeful he'll be interested in the scouts once he gets to the first grade. And MAN have things changed ... I remember doing the pinewood derby when I was a kid, and as I recall we put our cars on a slope and cheered them on. Now there's tracks and timers and all SORTS of cool things! So as a nerd, needless to say I'm all for that. But jokes aside, it was impressive - and you should have seen the cars these guys made!
I have become president of the Georgia Magic Club this year. I've been involved heavily with that club for a while, I met a lot of really good guys through it, and it's been fun being president so far. We are trying to set up a club show now, so hopefully in a few months I'll have a full magic show to tell you about!