Sunday, January 13, 2013

Theater Show today!


I finished getting ready for the theater show this morning – which mostly consisted of getting all the props together and making sure I had the set list, music, etc. I’m pretty excited about it! I talked to Will and Eric, and I’m very happy to finally be able to let my kids see the guys I’ve been doing shows with. My family is coming up with me to be in the audience and I’m pretty happy about that too.

I haven’t tried to run a show like this before – usually it’s just a show with only me, and it’s nervewracking! But it seems like everything is coming together really nicely. Of course, picking other acts in the show who are excellent and professional performers is really helping with that!

Thursday, January 10, 2013



The first Theater show is almost here! I’m pretty excited about it. I went out today and distributed some more postcards with Jessie Portlock, I can see my ad running online … it’s rather exciting!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Next show!

I practiced with my new table and the conclusion I came to is that it is SWEET. I am looking forward to using it this weekend in my show.
I am also working on a new puppet routine with a mind reading bear. I have a few bits that are kind of funny but it pretty clearly needs work. But it’s starting to get there. I have several questions about how kids are going to react to things, though – just because MY kids laugh at something doesn’t mean other kids will. So I’m going to try a short version of that routine this weekend too, and see how it goes. For me there comes a point when I need to bounce a routine off an audience to see how things flow before I can keep building the routine, and I think I’m fairly close to that point with the bear.
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