Monday, February 12, 2007

New personal record!

I've been doing two shows on most Saturdays lately, which has been quite interesting. I originally would stop between shows in a parking lot and reset things for the next show, but as I did this more I started changing things so that I could reset the show while packing it up, so as I left the first party I'd be ready for the second party. (That now works easily for everything but ONE trick ... so I don't always do that one, even though I love it!)

So last Saturday I had two shows, and got a call about a third show. It just worked out, it was right after my second show and in the same area, so I took it. That's the first time I've done three shows in a single day - I was quite pleased!

The other interesting thing is that they were all totally different shows - one was a birthday party, one was a Boy Scout Blue and Gold, and the third was a corporate event. They all seemed to go quite well, though - I certainly hope that everyone had a good time!


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