Monday, July 23, 2007

New baby!

My wife and I have a new little baby girl! We've named her Piper, and her 20 month old brother seems to think she's pretty cool so far.

I scheduled some time with no shows so I could have more time at home for the first few weeks. This turned out to be a good thing - my wife and I were at BJ's with the kids and it rained quite heavily. BJ's has a large sign in the parking lot, and the sign blew down on our minivan and did quite a bit of damage. The car is being fixed, but it's been several weeks and it's still being fixed! The really bad part is that this is the only vehicle I have that I can get R2-Q5 into. So for the first few weeks that was OK as I had no shows scheduled, but I've had to tell a few Star Wars shows that I couldn't bring R2-Q5 after all as I currently don't have a car that I can put him in! Hopefully I'll get my minivan back soon!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Such a little, beautiful wonder :-)All the best for you and your expanding family ;-) I bookmarked your site 2 years ago i guess - I was very impressed about your R2 building project. Now with a blog, it´s fun to see what´s happening over in Atlanta.

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