Monday, November 26, 2012

Theater shows!

Well, I seem to have a run of three theater shows coming up! I will write about this more as it happens, but I keep seeing shows in Seattle that are GREAT and I want to bring my kids to see them. But the shows are late at night, the venues are 21 and over, so it doesn't matter if the act is one my kids would love or not, they just can't go!

So I'm trying to fix that. I've got a run of three shows at the Jewelbox theater coming up. I'm bringing these guys that I want my kids to see and we're doing shows at a time and place that let you bring your family!

The shows are NOT kid shows, to be clear. But they are shows your kids will like as much as you do - so I hope this all pans out! If it works, this could be the start of a long run!


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