Sunday, January 26, 2014

Family Variety Show Finds Itself Pitted Against the Seahawks in The Superbowl

Producer Not Filled with Confidence

Evan’s Family Variety Show runs on the first Sunday of every month at the Jewelbox Theater at Rendezvous, in downtown Seattle. It’s a family oriented show, and the only variety show in town that’s geared to a family audience with a rotating cast magicians, jugglers, acrobats, and much more.

On Sunday the 19th Evan was excited to see the Seahawks win the game against the 49ers – until he realized that the Superbowl was going to be the exact same date and time as his next show on Feb 2nd.


The Discovery

Evan decided to soldier on. Maybe turnout would be low, but he really didn’t want to cancel a show. Ticket pre-sales weren’t bad, so maybe it would all work out!

A day later, the cast was asking if there was any way to get out of the show so they could see the Superbowl, and ticketholders were asking if there was any way to transfer their tickets to a different date. And talking to the theater? They were rather hoping to have a Superbowl party too.

And the kicker? Evan’s eight year old son, who has been to every show and LOVES them, asked to skip this show to go to a Superbowl party their neighbors are having.

So having the cast, audience, venue and even his own family all saying they won’t attend … the outlook for the show has never been worse.

But March! March is going to have a FANTASTIC show!

For details on the show:


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