Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Wow, October was a busy month! I don't know why exactly, but Halloween seems to be the busiest time of year for me. I think I set a personal record for the number of shows I did in a single month!

I have a new routine called the "Lie Detector" that I tried out at a few parties. I think it has potential ... but after working with it I think it's going to get a much smaller spot. I'm planning on rewriting my routine with Rocky the Raccoon, and I think I'm going to use the lie detector as a prop in that routine instead of by itself. I have been planning on reworking the Rocky routine for a while - it's a fun routine with a nice trick (cutting him into thirds and restoring him) but I've had some ideas lately that I'd love to try out, so ... I am going to use him with the same trick but a whole new routine.

So I've been shopping for props ... so far my wife turned up a little top hat that is just Rocky-sized. I love it! I have to figure out how to attach it to his head, but I am thinking magnets might just be the answer. He hasn't got any arms either, so if he's going to do anything with props like that I suspect magnets might be the answer!


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